About Us

Who We are

Golden Eagle School is a Christian founded learning Institution with Train Up a Child as our Core.

We offer Competency Based Curriculum System from Pre – Primary School to Junior School.

Founding Question.

Our Founding question has been how we can train up tender brains into a state of discovering their full potential and the best content delivery methodology for hands on learning experiences.

Level Based Approach

With understanding that CBC is Spiral, our school has adopted level based structure. So we have Pre – Primary, Lower Primary, Upper Primary and Junior School. Each level is coordinated by a Level Coordinator who checks set standards for authentic transition of each learner.


School Poem

Praying to God Guidance and blessings,
Rings my mind every morning.
Keeping my body warm.
And washing hands is my responsibility.
For health is important for great learning.
Excellent work is my happiness.
To actualize my dreams.
Integrity is my lifestyle
And telling out the truth is my habit.
Helping others is my norm,
With kind words, my mouth is full to
Protect feelings of others, and mentor the little
Good care of school property is my
Responsibility. With firmness I will guard G.E.S

Meal Poem

Thanking God for my meal is my norm Washing hands before each meal is my habit for cleanliness is next to godliness. Lining up quietly for my meals is my habit in respect of dining hall staff. ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ is my language in the dinning for good manners will open doors which best education can’t. Speaking quietly to each other while taking meals is the way to great etiquette. Cleaning away my mess from the table is my responsibility for great environment.

#discover more


We offer Diverse Clubs with Environmental and Debate / Mjadala as Core Clubs. They are a platform for learners to Explore, discover and build up their Talents.

Staff Empowerment.

To cope with dynamism in CBC rollout we have rigorous CBC trainings both internal and external each holiday. Our staff have as well visited Gravity CBC Center greatly known for CBC training.

Awarding Model

Awarding is pegged on learner targets. This approach help learners engage on positive and healthy competition as well as self improvement. The model keeps learners on their toes to keep on checking areas to work on.


Integrity, Responsibility and Excellence come in handy as our pillars for discipline and academic performance.

Career Mentorship

Each year our learners get an opportunity to engage with college going students. Main objective is to expose our learners to diverse career opportunities in our country. The college students also pass on Christian values as well as life skills.

Hands on Learning Areas

The vast school environment has enabled us develop very unique learning areas making it easy to prepare learners for the three pathways.

Field Trips

Our field trips are finely crafted to bring out an integrated learning experience and enjoyment. They are meant to reinforce learnt lessons, expand knowledge, encourage learners in discovering new interests and build up lasting positive memories.

Special Days

Activities for such days are learner centered. Main objective is to give learners an opportunity to show case their talents as well as academic abilities.

  • Sports Day
  • Cultural Day
  • Language Day
  • STEM Day
  • Social Sciences Day
  • Career Mentorship Day

interested in joining us ?

We are open from

Monday - Saturday Anytime
Between 8:00am & 5:00pm

Soar like eagles
Isaiah 40:31
………… they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.

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